Aside from knowing how GOD is like, how HE conduct HIMSELF and behave towards others (i.e. HIS creature personages) and also firstly. HIMSELF, knowing why GOD created us is also very crucial for us in order that we understand what type of relationship GOD wants us to have with HIM, with one another as well as with the rest of HIS creation as the habitat for our functioning and existence.
Here in this post we will discuss the reason GOD created us which will give us the first basis to have a relationship with HIM. In the next installment of this discussion series we will discuss what GOD is really like, from HIS appearance or form, to HIS basic values that are both the foundation and framework by which HE conduct and express HIMSELF.
For thousands of years the whole of both Judaism and all of ‘professed’ Christianity held an erroneous superstitious fearful reverence of this same GOD through not understanding why HE created them. This is not to say that appropriate fearful reverence is erroneous but the type that they taught were.
GOD is beyond comprehension powerful and there literally is nothing at all absolutely that HE cannot do. Imagine you are thrown naked into an arena with ten ferocious wild very hungry lions which can literally tear you to pieces and you have absolute no hope to thwart them in the least.
Or how about if you were to be brought into the presence of an angry foul mood raging in salvage violence despot such as the ruler of North Korea or even just a group of terrorists.
While GOD is certainly absolutely not like that, the point of this being about the correct measure of respectful fear before someone who can literally do anything to you way beyond even the most horrifying horrors you can imagine while you will have absolute zero chance to do anything at all about it absolutely.
If you are still sufficiently sane you will be terrified at that prospect. The degree of power of what those lions, the tyrannical despot or salvage terrorists have over you when compared to what GOD can literally do to you, is like comparing a tiny spec of sand or dust to the entire universe. In short not possible to be comprehended. Should you not have a respectful fearful reverent in the face of such a POWER?
And because they (all those who 'feared' GOD) have no actual and real perspective of GOD, they were thus not able to maintain the correct relationship with the ALMIGHTY CREATOR of all there is, teaching all kinds of lies with plenteous embellishments of lust seeded, fueled and driven spins (i.e. fabrications) added in, of their so called "truth" about HIM created in the imaginations of their lusts corrupted minds.
Therefore the Lord said: “Inasmuch as these people draw near with their mouths And honor Me with their lips, But have removed their hearts far from Me, And their fear toward Me is taught by the commandment of men
Isaiah 29:13 They taught all kinds of insane lust seeded and fueled reverence for GOD’s name (i.e. 'Yĕhovah' [H3068] with the defining meaning PERPETUAL, PERPETUITY. ETERNAL, ETERNITY) some of which were so extreme they bordered on total superstitious ridiculousness.
The religious authorities of the Jews (beginning from not long after they were returned to the Promised Land from their Babylonian captivity and exile) considered GOD's ‘real’ or proper name too sacred to for them to write or even to mention (both still true today among those of pagan religion of Judaism, only they have taken this ridiculously even further writing the common or general term God as G-d or G_d). They did not then, with most still don't today (except for those who have read the disclosures, discussions and exposé of this work either directly or indirectly), understand the concept from GOD’s perspective that names are definitive.
To them (the religious Jews of Judaism) if the name of GOD is written it cannot (or must not) be erased or destroyed. So they skip the vowels whenever they write words that are representative of the name of GOD. The religious Jews of today have taken even this to greater extreme of ridiculousness, treating any general references in terms such as God in the same manner.
Names as used by the GOD are meant to tell us something (i.e. attributive and definitive) about the person so named and that there is no sacredness to a name, any name. But when we use relevant names to refer to our CREATOR GOD we should do so with the proper attitude of due reverential respect and with proper decorum.
Even as the Jews of the Gospel times held this superstitious pretend reverence for their MAKER’s name, all the whole they totally never kept or honor the Covenant their fathers made with HIM. So while they correctly considered it blasphemy to improperly use andor disrespectfully make use of the name of GOD or utter words disrespectful of HIM, they totally blasphemed HIM and continuously break their Covenant with HIM harboring attitudes of distrust, ill will and bad faith expressed through the conduct of their relationship with HIM and with one another.
The same holds true with all of professed (whether they be the true Elect of GOD of the New Covenant, or the Antichrist servants and agents of Satan the Devil masquerading as) “Christianity” teaching all kinds of utterly ridiculous lies about GOD.
If you (the reader) were to thoroughly research the (secular) historical records of the Christmas religion from their early years after ancient Imperial Rome had embraced “Christianity” and from then throughout the centuries you can easily confirmed all that I wrote here. But only if you sincerely want to, and not if you lusted totally in total deliberated stupidity to not want to.
And if you (the reader) has been a true Christian by and through the Everlasting Covenant made in the BLOOD of the LAMB of GOD, whether you are cognizant of the fact or have been totally clueless until this very moment (when you are reading this here, whether you choose to become cognizant or lusted totally to continue refusing to be cognizant), you can (but only if you want and not if you lusted uncontrollably to not want to) read (preferable all or at least many) of the discussions of this work to then research thoroughly (even if just on the internet alone in all the websites of the Churches of Gods whether the one true Church of GOD or all the rest who self proclaimed themselves to be), and easily confirm all that this work has been testifying to about the Elect of GOD, the true Christian of the New Covenant mediated by the LORD JESUS CHRIST.
Those of the Christmas religion have since from their beginnings, been very brazenly explicitly trampling underfoot the sacrifice of the life of the SON of GOD through which HE redeemed mankind from the death penalty, counting the blood of the New Covenant a worthless thing. They did this through fabricating a ridiculous lie to purportedly commemorate JESUS CHRIST's resurrection on Easter Sunday and also the death of CHRIST on "Good" Friday.
Of how much worse punishment, do you suppose, will he be thought worthy who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing, and insulted the Spirit of grace?
Hebrew 10:29
I put it to them (and includes you if you have been one of these) which is the better thing to do: to faithfully and loyally obey GOD; or to totally disregard GOD’s charges, instructions to and requirements of them while going around getting all hot and indignant screaming 'death to the blasphemers' whenever they hear or read some words by some persons which they regard or believe as blasphemous against GOD acting and putting on this evil and brazen show as if they really or actually care for or about GOD let alone completely and absolutely love HIM.
Now what do you call religious people who put on a façade to show themselves as being slave level servitude, humble, pious and zealous while screaming and (whenever they have some degree of power impunity to be able to do so) carrying out salvage violent bloody brutality on anyone who they think, believe or perceive (whether valid or not irregardless) to have slighted them by insulting their religions, Gods andor the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of their Gods and religions? If you don't know the answer, please stop reading anything published in this work.
It is very obvious and apparent that the only thing they really are passionately about and totally lusting after to is to put on a show of how zealous and pious they are (which they absolutely are not, how else can they explain all of their lust seeded, fueled and driven deliberated stupidity of knowing little to nothing about GOD, HIS purpose and will, all that HE has been doing to what ends and purpose, all clearly revealed, commanded and taught in HIS Holy Words the Christian Holy Scriptures) as they express and indulge in their uncontrolled lust for violent carnages and brutal savageries.
And that was exactly how the Jews and religious authorities at the time of the Gospel records acted. That too is the way nearly all of mankind who consider themselves pious and religious are exactly acting today and had been exactly acting all throughout the recorded history of mankind. All these behaviors are the hallmark of hypocrites and bigots glorifying in their false pretentious totally feinted and for show religiousness, piousness, humility and zeal for GOD:
Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy about you, saying:
‘These people draw near to Me with their mouth,
And honor Me with their lips,
But their heart is far from Me.
And in vain they worship Me,
Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.
Matthew 15:7 – 9
The Scriptures Did Record It!
Today most experts and authorities of the Christian religion stated that the Christian Bible did not specifically tell us why GOD created mankind. Except for the very general and vague John 3 verse 16 proclaimed as "because God love us so totally unconditionally and has been desperately trying to save all mankind from going to a hell of eternal sadistic brutal and salvage torture, of forever being horrifically burned while alive (i.e. our so called "immortal soul which cannot die") andor of other unimaginable horrors".
That is right, this is the beliefs for centuries (from the time of her founding by Simon the sorcerer through the time she became established at the Council of Nicene, to today) until this work. But it is still believed by most to nearly all (not all anymore as anyone who actually believe this work because of the testimonies of this work and the growth of knowledge through the empowerment of the internet) those who are the subscribing followers (aka zombied minions) of the Christmas religion, of the Great Harlot Church and all her rebellious harlot daughters sects and denomination and other religions.
Yet this same experts and authorities are quite (i.e. totally) very certain that Christians are to commemorate the so claimed the resurrection of JESUS CHRIST which they purport was on Easter Sunday when it was nowhere written in the Holy Christian Scriptures, implicitly or otherwise. Also they are also totally certain that Christians are to celebrate Christmas on December 25th as JESUS CHRIST's purported birthday (despite totally knowing to an absolutely without doubt certainty that it was not on that day) when it was no where written in the Holy Christian Scriptures. How do you explain that?
Similarly these same experts and authorities are totally certain that the so called "Christian" Sabbath is on Sunday, changed from the original Saturday, when the Scriptures did not record it. The Sabbath which falls on every Saturday (stretching from sunset of Friday to sunset of Saturday) and was kept by JESUS CHRIST who actually confirmed that HE is the LORD (meaning OWNER and MASTER) of the same Sabbath, confirming that HE made it when HE made the first human family of Adam and Eve. Again how do you explain that?
So then what does all of these things (above, and more) meant?
If you still retain some semblance of intelligence and is still sufficiently sane, you would (or should anyway) know what they meant.
This is exactly as this author (in all that have been discussed in this work) totally know what all these things meant and more. Obviously because I still retain the GOD created and given (Genesis 1:27) intelligence (given to all mankind, but who all chose not to use it instead choosing to lust uncontrollably) while I have remained mostly to totally sane from not choosing to lust, from choosing to not lust, uncontrollably. So then do you (the reader) knows what all these (and more, all that have been discussed in this work) mean?
Very simply, all these things (discussed above) are very obviously totally lust spun and invented lies. Did you actually note this and understand this after you have read what was discussed above?
Why are all these so called Christians believing in, obeying, keeping and observing things which the Scriptures did not record but instead believing in, obeying, keeping and observing things that not only does the Scriptures did not record but are very obviously outright lies? Is Christianity about believing in lies and spreading lies? Why are some more than two billions people (as of 2021 C.E.) who considered and believed themselves to be Christians believing in, celebrating and also spreading lies even extremely blasphemous ones about GOD?
But of course they are not the only ones.
Some total of over three and half billions people are proclaiming themselves (and their religions and G-d/Gods/whatever-named-God or whatever else Gods as the basis to their supreme authority and right to rule over everyone else) as being of the so called religion of Abraham, and all of them too are believing in, keeping and celebrating things not recorded in the Scripture of Truth and not believing in, keeping, obeying, commemorating and celebrating thing explicitly, plainly and clearly recorded and commanded in these Scriptures.
Things such as the commandments of GOD (of which the Ten Commandment is a concise summary); the Sabbath (from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset) created by GOD for mankind to rest from their labors and cares to focus on GOD who gives them their lives and enable their living that they may understand HIS purpose for them and the process HE had ordained to complete them as HIS perfectly Holy children; the Everlasting New Covenant of the Christian Passover made in the BLOOD of the LAMD of GOD who takes away the sins of the world; the seven annual Feast or Festivals that symbolized the milestones events to GOD perfecting to complete us HIS creatures; to do (conduct oneself in) righteousness and carrying out justice; to do and seek good and to shun evil; to not covet (i.e. lust) after things; to not kill, steal and rob one or in anyway seek to harm another; to not lie (i.e. testify falsely) but to be truthful in testimonies; etc..
And if you have noted and discerned these, do you then actually and really know and understand what these all mean or are you still totally clueless being wholly and completely lust driven in believing all manner of contradictory andor utterly ridiculous things such as man (includes women and children) having an immortal soul, a soul that cannot die; the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is sex; GOD is a a three in one Trinity, or a two person family or whatever else other crap; JESUS CHRIST changed or ordained the change of the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday; the Everlasting Passover New Covenant was to be commemorated (or celebrated) at midnight of Easter Sunday or on the 15th day of Nisan, or as often as you like; GOD is desperately trying to save everyone and failing miserably at that; GOD gave the so called Pope of the Christmas religion or anyone else the power of infallibility, to forgive sins, to change HIS commandments, laws and ordinances; GOD gave the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of HIS so called religion(s) the authority to rule as supreme (Gods on earth) commanding and demanding total unquestioning obedience (i.e. issuing decrees, laws and commandments) and to totally control everyone else what they can and cannot marry (who, to whom and how many), eat, wear, celebrate and commemorate, etc..
Very obviously, all these things, all these accounts, celebrations, doctrines and dogma of the Christmas religion (as well as also those of all the other so called Abrahamic religions which are anyall religions which proclaimed (i.e. plagiarized the name of) the GOD of Abraham andor JESUS CHRIST as their God but which totally have no actual basis in or from the Scripture of Truth) are absolutely and totally without a shadow of a doubt, totally the inventions of all these evil blasphemous proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of G-d, Gods, God-of-whatever-name and whatever else being proclaimed, to make (i.e. twist with fabrications and spins) the Truth of GOD into lies, to cause the whole world of mankind (especially all those who are their subscribing followers) to believe blasphemous lies about GOD and HIS Truth (i.e. all that HE had recorded by HIS servants, the Prophets and Scribes, raised up by HIM to record HIS Word and Truth in the Scripture of Truth).
So then if you actually believe in the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the record of the Scripture of Truth, you would (or should anyway) know exactly who were (include are) all those who have invented all these (and more of of these) evil blasphemous religions proclaiming themselves as the religion or of the GOD of Abraham, that they are not the servants of GOD but instead were/are the agent servants of the Evil One, Satan the Devil and all his worshiping cohort Angels (Matthew 25:41).
In the previous article of this blog I have shown not only very clearly but absolutely conclusively that the Christian Holy Scripture clearly and explicitly recorded that the purpose for which GOD had created us, now having begotten us (those who are of HIS Elect who have upon believing the true Gospel message repented to be baptized to begin obeying GOD to honor and keep the New Covenant mediated by the LORD JESUS CHRIST) by HIS HOLY SPIRIT. But all of these self expedient experts and authorities screaming blasphemy and heresy in fake zealousness andor self deceiving humility adamantly refused to believe.
They have all been so totally drunk from being intoxicated by the doctrines of the Mystery Babylonian religion the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth (Revelation 17:2) that they just aren’t able to put two and two together without seeing pink elephants.
But that is not all. The Mother Harlot and the daughters harlots, of the Babylonian Mystery religion had also gotten the whole world absolutely intoxicated and completely drunk with their doctrines that almost all who reads the Holy Christian Scriptures are unable to believe what is clearly, plainly and even explicitly literally written, what they very eyes see and read, in the records of these Scriptures. Anyone don’t think this is true? Let me give them just a tiny sample (there are tons more in the other discussions of this work) examples.
Number One.
For hundreds to some nearly two thousand of years, professed Christianity had taught that GOD is omnipresence, omniscience and omnipotent. And just exactly as they never understood what believing in GOD means, so also they never understood what the words 'omniscience' and ‘omnipresence’ mean, let alone 'omnipotent'. That is the reason they had doctrines for hundreds of years (until very recently some ten years ago upon this work exposing that evil blasphemy, with many still totally believing this blasphemous lie to this very day) that taught (as doctrine and dogma) that the so called fall from grace happened when Satan the Devil unbeknownst to GOD, ‘sneaked’ into the Garden of Eden disguised as a serpent to deceive Eve into “having sinful, filthy, defiling sex with her husband Adam.”
So what does their evil blasphemous doctrines make of the words or terms omnipresence and omniscience when Satan the Devil can so easily out maneuvered GOD leaving GOD totally clueless as to what is happening and what he was doing, carrying out his dastardly deeds without GOD being aware. The only is that could happen is that GOD was totally nowhere at all let alone everywhere all the time, and GOD totally was fast asleep or in coma therefore could not possibly know what was going on. So much for their idea of all knowing GOD meaning knowing all things happening at all times and in all places.
Does not these evil doctrines of all these evil so called Abrahamic religions had their G-d/Gods/God-of-whatever-name who being omnipresence aka all everywhere, totally no where; being omniscience aka all knowing, totally knowing nothing that is going on. Or was these G-d/Gods/God-of-whatever-name of theirs asleep, comatose or totally drunk from the same lust their proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives have been intoxicated with that this so called Gods/God-of-whatever-name of theirs (which they proclaimed is the GOD of Abraham) cluelessly watch Satan the Devil carrying out his evil deeds but totally have no clue what Satan the Devil was doing or how to successfully stop him?
This are typical of the things massively stupid people do when they speak (i.e. come up with to formulate and proclaimed ideas and doctrines of religions), they ultimately proclaimed things that utterly massively stupid exactly just as they are massively stupid, making the G-d/Gods/God-of-whatever-name that they proclaimed also as massively stupid as they are. So far from these being the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of GOD, they are at best the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of utter massive stupidity.
Number Two.
The same professed Christianity so called, had proclaimed for the same number of years that GOD is all powerful (omnipotent). Again they do not appear to understand what those words mean. That was the reason they have been advancing (i.e. implicitly and explicitly teaching and proclaiming) that GOD has been watching helplessly totally powerless while Satan the Devil run riot deceiving nearly the whole of mankind to sin and rebelled against GOD for thousands of years until HE finally sent JESUS to so called make grace available so that through this message of grace mankind can receive salvation.
Now if you know how to count (i.e. do the math aka putting two and two together), following on that granting of this so called grace for all mankind until this very day those who are actually "saved" by this Christmas religion from the time after JESUS ministry, death and resurrection, at the most still total less than a third of all mankind at any point of time as well as in totally cumulatively. What about the billions who had lived before that time and all the rest after that time who lived out their lives without ever hearing about the name of JESUS CHRIST much less this so called gospel of grace (first preached by the ego mega gorger, the Apostle Paul)?
So it seems according to the beliefs of the Mother Church of the Christmas religion, Satan the Devil continues to win the battle against GOD’s desperate effort to save all mankind by a so called grace.
All knowing, all everywhere and all powerful GOD if you chose to believe these lies of the Christmas religion has been portrayed through their evil blasphemous doctrines to be quite the incompetence when pitted against Satan the Devil.
Again then what does that make the words all knowing and all powerful into but as very clueless stupid and totally powerless. As this work has consistently testified to, all these evil religions exist (i.e. were established by the Enemy and his demonic cohorts) to (get their subscribing followers and all the rest of mankind to) blaspheme GOD to the maximum by their doctrines and dogma, proclamations and decrees.
Number three.
GOD is righteous. Yes the same Christmas religion also explicitly taught that GOD is righteous, Holy and good, yet in their doctrines of what sin is they had quite clearly without the shadow of a doubt implicitly advanced and proclaimed that GOD is far from righteous but actually self glorifying (i.e. is a narcistic, ego maniac who is full of himself and self righteous). These they taught in their doctrines of imputed sin, original sin and also that sin is falling short of the 'perfection' of GOD.
For centuries until very recently (i.e. some time after this work exposed this evil blasphemy in August 2011 in the post 'The Tree Of Knowledge'), the Christmas religions (both the mother harlots and all her harlot daughters) taught that the original sin was sex, of Adam having sex with his wife which was explicitly ordained and commanded by (Genesis 1:28, 2:24 – 25) GOD.
Today, many (but not all, no longer all) the subscribing followers and their proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives still hold to this evil blasphemous doctrine that sex is the original sin. You can (if you want to, not if you lusted to not want to) read about this evil blasphemous doctrine of the Christmas religion invented to blaspheme GOD to the maximum in the post 'The Tree Of Knowledge' of the blog 'The Scripture of Truth' of this work.
Some may protest that many of these doctrines were actually taught by the Apostle Paul in his epistles. Well first let us examine what the Apostle Paul actually wrote that had been twisted by the masters and experts of the Christmas religion. No doubt indeed the writings of the Apostle Paul do contain many things that are more twisted (to put it mildly).
Also the Apostle Paul was personally handpicked and ordained by JESUS to be an outsider witness (as opposed to the other eleven Apostles who were insider witnesses). Among the twelve Apostles, Paul was the one who directly witnessed the three and a half years ministry of JESUS as a SON of man, from the outside ( an outsider). There were some very specific reasons and purposes for this why JESUS would call someone who was not directly led and taught by HIM during HIS three and a half years ministry as a SON of man but instead a protégé and disciple of the self glorifying. self righteous, self advancing evil blasphemous religious Jews of those times. This, the reasons Apostle Paul was specifically picked and ordained as an outsider witness and Apostle of JESUS CHRIST is discussed in detail in the other blogs (especially in the blog A Christian Pilgrimage) of this work and will (mostly) not be touched on in this blog.
Sin and the Glory of GOD
for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
Romans 3:23
Notice the verse stated the reason man fell short of the Glory of GOD is because they ‘all have sinned’ and not that the definition of sin is of man ‘falling short of the glory of GOD’ nor 'all are sinners because all having fall short of the glory of GOD'.
Read these verses below and tell me you really don’t understand what they mean:
Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”
Genesis 1:26
Whoever sheds man’s blood, By man his blood shall be shed; For in the image of God He made man.
Genesis 9:6
For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but woman is the glory of man.
1 Corinthians 11:17
Imputed Sin
Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned —
Romans 5:12
Again note the verse stated that the reason death spread to all men was ‘because all sinned’ and not that sin was imputed to all man because of Adam’s and Eve's sinned in obeying GOD's commandment to have sex (Genesis 1:27, 2:24 – 25; Matthew 19:4 – 6; Mark 10:6 – 8; Ephesians 5:31) and to procreate (Genesis 1:28). Read the article on Bad Faith to understand what the verse meant when it recorded that ‘through one man sin entered the world’.
Read the following verses and then tell me you really don’t understand what they mean:
The LORD looks down from heaven upon the children of men,
To see if there are any who understand, who seek God.
They have all turned aside,
They have together become corrupt;
There is none who does good,
No, not one.
Psalm 14:2 – 3 (also Psalm 53:2 – 3)
There is none who understands;
There is none who seeks after God.
They have all turned aside;
They have together become unprofitable;
There is none who does good, no, not one.”
“Their throat is an open tomb;
With their tongues they have practiced deceit”;
“The poison of asps is under their lips”;
Romans 3:11-13
Number four.
Almost every (i.e. all those who know something not those who know practically nothing) professed "Christian" claims they are under Grace and under the New Covenant. Yet not a single one of these professed "Christians" have been honoring the New Covenant through which grace and forgiveness is given but breaking it. They had claimed and continued to claim that they are under Grace, receiving forgiveness for their sins, having the penalty of these sins wiped out through the mercy of GOD in the Grace that came through the New Covenant which JESUS CHIRST died shedding HIS blood to institute.
Yet none of them keep this New Covenant. Instead they chose to advance a lie that the Passover Covenant is to be celebrated to commemorate CHRIST's resurrection on a so called Easter Sunday. But CHRIST did not arose from the dead on Sunday at midnight but on Saturday evening before the sun set exactly three days and three nights after HIS burial on Wednesday evening before sunset.
and when He had given thanks, He broke it and said, “Take, eat; this is My body which is broken for you; do this in remembrance of Me.” In the same manner He also took the cup after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood. This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.”
For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes.
1 Corinthians 11:26
Was it not written that New Covenant Passover is to commemorate CHRIST death (1 Corinthians 11:26) NOT HIS resurrection?
Now tell me where in the Christian Holy Scripture was it recorded that instead of commemorating HIS death on the Passover (Luke 22:19; 1 Corinthians 11:23 - 25), Christians are to commemorate HIS resurrection, which incidentally was not on Sunday but on Saturday evening before sunset exactly three and a half days and nights after HIS death on the fourteenth day (before sunset that begins the fifteenth day) of Nisan (of the Sacred Calendar and not the Roman's Gregorian or Julian calendar) in 30 C.E.**.
The 14th day of Nisan in 30 C.E.** commenced at sunset of Tuesday and ends at sunset of Wednesday. Correspondingly Thursday was the Preparation Day (Matthew 27:26) for the the Feast of Unleavened Bread The first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, as also is the last day (the seventh day), is a Holy Annual Sabbath (Mark 15:42; Luke 13:54; John 19:31).
So then, neither did JESUS CHRIST die on a Friday but on Wednesday and was buried just before sunset. Nor was HE raised (i.e. resurrected) from death on Sunday at midnight.
Exactly as HE foretold HE was (buried) in the heart of the earth (the tomb) for three days and three nights (Matthew 12:40; Luke 24:46; Acts 10:40; 1 Corinthians 15:4), from sunset of Wednesday (buried just before) to sunset of of Saturday, rising up on Saturday evening just before sunset. Only those who do not know how to (i.e. can't) count from one to three could have advanced such an outrageously ridiculous lie that the resurrection of JESUS CHRIST took place at midnight of Sunday.
Ask yourself some simple questions. Did not JESUS CHRIST specifically said that HE would be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth (i.e. the grave or tomb)? Does JESUS CHRIST know how to count from one to three? Was not JESUS buried (placed in the tomb or grave, a cave then the mouth or opening covered with a large stone) at evening (before sunset) just before Preparation day? Was not JESUS CHRIST already risen on Sunday morning? Did not all the related Scriptures recorded that JESUS rose on the third day?
Now go figure how Friday evening to Sunday midnight adds up to three days and three nights? Can't figure it except by twisting words with an abundance of fabricated spins added in, to say Friday evening to Sunday midnight (a total of less than 36 hours) adds up to three days and three nights (a total of 72 hours)? All I will say to you is continue on lusting uncontrollably until the Day of the LORD andor your perdition in the Lake of Fire.
And today even many who are members of the Elect of GOD, the very Saints of GOD had swallowed some of these lies because they did not truly love GOD but loved only themselves pursuing after their lust seeded, fueled and driven beliefs.
So they come to you as people do, they sit before you as My people, and they hear your words, but they do not do them; for with their mouth they show much love, but their hearts pursue their own gain.
Ezekiel 33:31
making the word of God of no effect through your tradition which you have handed down. And many such things you do.
Mark 7:13
For those of you who have been following my articles in all of my religious blogs you may have noticed that I have singled out the daughters churches of the Babylonian Mystery religion as the main enemy of true Christians today, advancing all kinds of twisted truths and outright lies to prevent mankind from learning the truth about JESUS CHRIST's message. They proclaimed a message focused primary, just not exclusively, on the Grace that came through the New and Forever Covenant in the commemoration of the Passover.
Starting from some five hundred years ago, increasingly the daughters of the Great Harlot have been the one undermining the work of the Church of GOD throughout her journey after the Church of GOD emerged from her hidden years.
During the last hundred or so years the Church of GOD for the very first time since her founding on the Day of Pentecost in 30 C.E. took on a truly global focus and reach. This work through the Church of GOD of the Philadelphia era brought the true message of the Gospel for the very first time to a global audience.
Immediately followed on this Satan the Devil began a new initiative to undermine the message of the Church of GOD as he had done before when the Great Harlot of the Babylonian Mystery religion spawn her harlot daughters just when the Church of GOD began to surface into the view of the world as prophesied from her hidden years (Revelation 12:13 - 14). This was in the Protestant Reformation which saw the beginning of a flood of "Christianity" with various doctrinal flavors and focus to suit a wide range of preferences (or taste) in religious beliefs.
Slowly but surely and more than ever (since the Protestant Reformation) in the last fifty or more years the daughter churches of the Christmas religion and many other Antichrist's Churches started to wised up that some of their doctrines were just too ridiculous to be believed and began to incorporate many of the teachings of the Church of GOD into their doctrines just as the Mother Church of the Christmas religion had similarly done in her founding years, incorporating the with lavish spins and inventions the Gospel message, the Ten Commandment and many of the Law of Mosses into the practices of the Mystery Babylonian religion (Acts 8:9 – 23) so as to pass themselves off as Christian.
This you can easily verify by researching on the teachings of these various denominations of the Protestant Churches from the days prior to the nineteen thirties (1930's) and comparing them to their teachings today. And if you have the eyes to see it, you will note that while incorporating many of the teachings of the Church of GOD yet they have sinisterly left out all those that are essential to receiving the Grace that comes through the New Covenant in CHRIST's BLOOD commemorated in the Passover. Aside from not honoring and keeping the New Covenant, they have continued to disregard the commandments of GOD, and not just the Ten Commandments and the Sabbath observation but the very spirit and intent of the commandment of love, the love that fulfills the royal law.
Many of the denominations and sects of the daughter harlots of the Babylonian Mystery religion have been advocating that salvation is through Grace alone without the need to observe or perform anything, implicitly saying that the laws and commandments of GOD need not be kept. But the Mother Church and some of her harlot daughters had not advanced such doctrines but had insisted that her commandments (which include the Ten Commandments but twisted to advance her agenda) need to be honored and obeyed.
The catch is they have their own very cleverly crafted twists to the Commandments as well as their versions of the teachings and doctrines taught by JESUS CHRIST. This makes this Mother Harlot Church a much greater and far more deceptive and formidable foe than all her daughters combined as the deceiver of all mankind.
Even though the harlot daughters of the Christmas religion in their times of having political clout and power impunity too have persecuted to suppress the one true Church of GOD, the role of these harlot daughters of the Christmas religion was more Satan the Devil's act to obliviate the Gospel message preached by the true Church of GOD. This he does through inundating the social order of mankind with an avalanche of different takes and spins on the Gospel message thus checking the true Gospel message from being widely heard.
That was why the Scripture of Truth prophesied of this great deception that this Mother Church will orchestrated through her liaison with the Beast fully empowered by their God, Satan the Devil. This Mother Church through her representative, the False Prophet will even perform power miraculous signs (Revelation 13:13 - 16) which will deceive nearly all the whole of all mankind.
Some of the teachings held for hundreds and hundreds of years by both the Great Harlot and by her daughters have evolved in the last fifty or so years. Quite a few no longer holds to the doctrine of eternal hell of torment for the unconverted sinners (i.e. those who have not accept Jesus as their Savior by the point of their death) teaching instead that hell is a state of being cut off from GOD. Most no longer openly teach that sex was the original sin of mankind. However most to nearly all still teach of the dead (i.e. all those who die and are dead) in CHRIST going to heaven while all the rest of (the dead among) mankind will go to hell either to be in some state of torment or to be forever burned (without being burned up) or otherwise forever sadistically, savagely and brutally tortured.
There are many more subtle changes that are not discernable without an in depth study by the seeker of truth. If you so wished you can check literatures on doctrines written prior to the last fifty years and compare these with the many evolved doctrines of today that are available on the internet.
Also be sure that many of the truths revealed, disclosed and published by this author will find their way into, to then be twisted and perverted as the doctrines of the Christmas and other Antichrist religion just as the doctrines and teachings taught by the Church of GOD had been over the last fifty or more years ago. The latter started slowly some four to five hundred years ago not long after the Church of GOD emerged from her hidden years. What this author wrote concerning all these Antichrist religions, whether these are the various sects and deviants of the Christmas religion, other so called Abrahamic religions, or even other (pagan, as indeed all religions other than the true Christian faith are pagan) religions, are essentially true at the time of publishing.
Some may soon no longer be true as many (but not all) of these ridiculous doctrinal lies highlighted by this author will be amended by those who had advocated them but without the essential teachings and changes that would make available the Grace that comes through the BLOOD of JESUS CHRIST in believing and obeying GOD seeking to do HIS will and honoring and keeping all HIS commandments and ordained institutions.
Why Did GOD Create Man?
Many people who 'believe' (whatever that word or term mean to them) in the Christian GOD, 'believed' that HE created mankind to worship HIM without knowing what worship actually means.
The word translated into the English word ‘worship’ from both the Hebrew and Greek text is a generalization of the original texts in both the Old Covenant and the New Covenant records and do not carry the connoted meaning that is associated with the word in used by mankind in general. The word translated into ‘worship’ came from several different words from both the Hebrew and Greek original texts.
In the simplest of context the word used in both the Hebrew and Greek text translated into the English word ‘worship’ carries the meaning of paying correct fearful respect due to GOD as the absolute SOVEREIGN (i.e. KING and RULER) POWER (i.e. ELOHIYM), as one who exercise absolute power and authority, the one who rules totally, including making the deciding judgment call, so the word also applies as one who judges. Read the full discussion of the definition of the word ‘GOD’ as is used in the Scripture of Truth to describe the CREATOR GOD of all things in the chapter ‘GOD IS’ of The Holy Bible Expounded.
The word 'worship' describes the proper conduct in our approach of respectful fear, meekness and humility towards GOD in our relationship with HIM.
And this approach is all of that which both the Hebrew and Greek text described that we may know how to conduct ourselves with proper decorum towards our MAKER and MASTER (i.e. OWNER), the ALMIGHTY CREATOR GOD.
The Hebrew and Greek Texts
In the Hebrew text the main word translated into the English ‘worship’ in the New King James Version of the Christian Bible refers to ‘bowing down’ or ‘prostrating of oneself’ as a gesture of deep reverence or respect, or to pay deferential andor referential homage to one who is greater (from anyall context) than us. On our part it is of recognition of ourselves as being lowly and powerless before GOD, as opposed to arrogantly exalted and disdaining.
The same Hebrew word which was translated as worship when it was used in instances where it recorded the approach to pay reverence and respect to GOD, was also used throughout the Old Covenant records to refer to paying reverence and respect to masters (i.e. owners or employers), elders, leaders and Kings.
The translators (or rather interpreters) of the Christian Bible from the Hebrew texts had selectively selected to translate the same word as 'to bow down' when the Holy Christian Scriptures spoke of paying respect or reverence to elders, leaders, masters and kings while translating the same word into 'worship' when it is the same exact acts when it comes to GOD.
The Greek text translated as worship comes mostly from a word that spoke of a similar meaning but more exclusively used mainly to denote the type of reverence towards deities or Spirit personages. In some context some other words translated as ‘worship’ were closely associated with the word translated as religion or concepts pertaining to religion. Additional discussion on both the word ‘worship’ and ‘religion’ by this author can be found at ‘A Christian Pilgrimage’.
Many Words Of The Original Texts Were Translated As 'God'
The word translated as GOD comes from several words. A few (Yĕhovih, Yĕhovah) refers to GOD only while others ('elohiym, 'el, 'adown) refer to roles of personages and includes GOD as definitive of HIS role as a ruler or judge or master. Words such as rock or eternal or the EXISTING ONE or I AM are also representations illustrative of HIS attribute. So from these we may know as a physical entity from the context of ourselves and our realm of existence.
It is important to understand that common and proper names used in the Holy Christian Scriptures are definitive or descriptive. There is no special sacredness in all the words used to refer to GOD whether in the Old Covenant or New Covenant records. But anyone who uses these word or words to reference GOD should accord the proper respect and decorum when doing so.
The reason this author capitalized (wrote in uppercase) all words I used to refer to the GOD of the Christian Holy Scriptures is to differential these from the general terms that others used to describe the deity they believe in andor worship, this is so that it is clear that this author is referring to the GOD of the Christian Holy Scriptures and not all the other deities that are being proclaimed as GOD ALMIGHTY the CREATOR of all there is. See also 'Called or Named By Their Fruits' entry in 'The Keys To Unlocking The Mystery Part IV' of The Holy Bible Expounded.
The Scripture Clearly Recorded Why GOD Created Mankind
Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
Genesis 1:26 – 27
It is very explicitly clear that GOD create mankind to be exactly like HIM (Leviticus 11:45, 19:2, 20:7; Isaiah 4:3; 1 Peter 1:16) in conduct and behaviors (which should require no interpretations), even though (or except that) HE created them out of 'dust'.
What we are ultimately are defined by how we behave and conduct ourselves, what we do and seek to do, as well as what we don't or won't do. A liar is one who lies, a thief is one who steals, a murderer is one who murders, a rapist is one who rape. It is the reason the proper name of GOD ALMIGHTY is 'YEHOVAH ELOHIM the ELOHIM of Abraham, the ELOHIM of Isaac and the ELOHIM of Jacob'.
YEHOVAH ELOHIM literally meaning PERPETUAL POWER as ONE who is perpetual and ONE who is the embodiment of (all and unlimited) power. The very same reason JESUS actual name in Hebrew is YEHOSHUA literally meaning GOD (YEHOVAH) saves (or salvation of YEHOVAH).
It is a very simple thing that was the reason GOD let Adam named the animals (Genesis 2:19). In the Scriptures names are definitive of some attributes of those named.
Anyone with still some semblance of intelligent cognition would (or should anyway) know what 'in HIS image and likeness' meant. GOD had made this explicitly clear right off from the beginning after HE renewed the planet earth with life destroyed by an earlier Angelic rebellion.
Likewise they too would (or should anyway) note that mankind was created from 'the dust' of the earth and would (or should anyway) immediately ask or question, why? Then being actually intelligent they then would (or should anyway) meticulously and diligently read through all the rest of the Scriptures to find the answers and reasons.
But no one at all literally (except this author of course, otherwise what are you reading here) from the beginning of mankind to this very day, actually and really did. Ask and then search for the answer in the Scriptures. To be fair, the first Messenger to the Church of GOD in Philadelphia did understood in part, but only in part because he was not really searching for answers but to proclaimed his supreme doctrine of a two persons family of GOD reproducing HIMSELF.
So much for mankind being intelligent. Not that they aren't, but they all (this author again the exception, of course) just choose to lust controllably to the measure they can as long as they don't fall into some serious harm.
Which is not to say that many haven't lusted so uncontrollably so as to fall into very serious harm. Many have and many are still (at it), even loosing their lives or becoming maimed for life. I hope that you (the reader) are not among one of these. If you are please stop reading the discussions of this work. You are just wasting your time here instead of doing what you would rather be continually and even be continuously (if that is possible) doing — lusting uncontrollably and falling into serious harm. It is your life, I am not judging you.
And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being
Genesis 2:7
And not only did the LORD GOD (literally Yĕhovah [H3068] 'ĕlōhîm [H430])) created mankind in HIS image and likeness, in bringing mankind to physical life HE personally gave them a loving life giving kiss.
So Jesus said to them again, “Peace to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” And when He had said this, He breathed on them, and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit.
John 21:21 – 22
And with the exact same symbolic gesture, JESUS CHRIST after HIS resurrection having return from the FATHER, JESUS appeared before HIS disciples who were gathered together in a shut room, spoke to them and breathe on them to signify the HOLY SPIRIT to be given to them on the day of the Feast of Weeks.
Jesus said to her, “Do not cling to Me, for I have not yet ascended to My Father; but go to My brethren and say to them, ‘I am ascending to My Father and your Father, and to My God and your God.’ ”
John 20:17
For it was fitting for Him, for whom are all things and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings. For both He who sanctifies and those who are being sanctified are all of one, for which reason He is not ashamed to call them brethren, saying:
“I will declare Your name to My brethren;
In the midst of the assembly I will sing praise to You.”
Hebrews 2:10 – 12
Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him. Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.
1 John 3:1 – 3
God stands in the congregation of the mighty;
He judges among the Gods.
How long will you judge unjustly,
And show partiality to the wicked? Selah
Defend the poor and fatherless;
Do justice to the afflicted and needy.
Deliver the poor and needy;
Free them from the hand of the wicked.
They do not know, nor do they understand;
They walk about in darkness;
All the foundations of the earth are unstable.
I said, “You are Gods,
And all of you are children of the Most High.
But you shall die like men
Psalm 82:1 – 7
The Jews answered Him, saying, “For a good work we do not stone You, but for blasphemy, and because You, being a Man, make Yourself God.”
Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your law, ‘I said, “You are gods” ’? If He called them gods, to whom the word of God came (and the Scripture cannot be broken),
John 10:33 – 35
Additional discussion on GOD who HE is, are found in the blog, The Scripture of Truth in the posts, 'GOD (the meaning of the term)' and 'GOD IS'.
The next installment of this discussion series will discuss the attributes of GOD, how GOD is actually like.
∎ Updated 2022 03 12Related Reads:
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Comments and questions on issues of doctrines and facts raised here can be directed to the mailbox chquah at the Gmail portal Only sincere non malicious comments and questions seeking clarification and understanding will be entertained.
1. Words in italic referenced titles or proper names where this applies, otherwise these are personal notes to selected people who are familiar with them.
2. I have intentionally left out many scriptural references as anyone who wants to prove or disprove what is written here should read the Christian Bible thoroughly and extensively (from cover to cover at least three or more times).
3. The various chapters and articles discussed here are by no means exhaustive of the doctrines, prophesies, subjects and answers to questions on the Christian Holy Scriptures.
4. Scriptures quoted are from New King James Version unless otherwise indicated.
5. Please bear in mind that this stuff here is for foundation understanding and some 'deeper' verses and advanced doctrines are skipped.
6. The word or term 'man' is used throughout as a reference to man specifically as well as to all mankind (male and female) according to the context in the same way as the Bible used the term.
7. For the complete listing of titles and discussions of this author on the Christian faith (or religion) please refer to the Start or Home page of 'The Holy Bible Expounded'. Also listed in this post page are the latest published posts of all the Christian topic blogs of this author.
© Quah 2009 - 2022. All rights reserved.
All reference to GOD (in caps or uppercase) in this site refers to the CREATOR GOD whose original inspired Words are the basis of the Christian Bible unless otherwise denoted.
All published information on this topic is targeted at the true disciples of the faith, the Elect, not the false professed believers. Those of other religious faith who are easily offended by simple. clear and obvious truth are advised not to read any of the blogs entries posted here.
All views, statements and discussions are the personal religious belief and conviction of this author and directed at persons of same faith, religious belief and conviction.
Nonetheless any truly sincere seeker of the CREATOR of all things should be able to related to and understand the topic, if seeking said CREATOR in truth and humility, seeking to understand and to learn.
All those who are not interested in, or not seeking to know the truth should not read materials and articles by this author in his books or blogs as the simple, clear and obvious truth will most probably offend their sensitivity and infuriate them..
The author is neither responsible for nor does he approve or endorse any advertisement for subscriptions, products or services advertised in this blog space.
Update History:
2021 12 26
2013 10 23
First Posted: 2011 02 07
First Posted: 2011 02 07