Monday, April 22, 2019

The Most Important Verse

Warning Notification To All New First Time Readers

All first time reader of this post and blog including all the other blogs (aka work) of this author, please take note that this blog is meant only for the regular readers and followers who have been closely following this work (for at least a few years and having read from many to near all the published posts including the Contents Warning).

The contents of this post and also all other posts following it are mainly disclosures (or assertions, if you prefer that term) with very minimal or nominal discussions done (which will be expanded on it a future update to get it to a full discussion when and if ever the author is able to do so). So only those readers who are inclined to believe this author and the Christian Holy Scripture would find the disclosures to be, from informative to enlightening. Needless to say then, all those regular readers and followers (if there are any)who closely followed this work but are disinclined (for whatever reasons) to believe this author and the Christian Holy Scriptures, too will find the discussion series in this blog to be from utterly ridiculous to blasphemous depending on the system of beliefs whether religious or non religious which they have totally bought into because of their abject lusting after all that they lusted after (and no, I am not shading, dissing, judging or condemning them, but just being totally honest and truthful).

The Most Important Verse

Near all of those who professed themselves to be Christian (whatever that means to them which include all the Elect especially from the New Covenant period beginning with Apostolic Era) who believe in (whatever crap the term ‘believe in’ means to them) and actually read andor studied the Christina Bible (i.e. a ‘translated’ rendition of the original text of the Holy Christian Scriptures) holding and proclaiming (and never mind actually believing) it as the inspired Word of the GOD of Christianity regardless whether they consider all the Christian Bible or just some selectively selected part or parts of it as valid or relevant (i.e. not irrelevant, obsolete, superseded, in error or nullified) would (or should anyway) know the verse John 3:16.

(Just a side note). Beginning from the time when the one and only Church of GOD was founded and established on the Day of Pentecost in 30 C.E. not a single person (whether the true Christian or all the rest) actually know much less understand what it means to be a Christian from the context of a true disciple aka the Elect of JESUS CHRIST and a begotten Son of GOD of the New Covenant period.

Fact that everyall totally having no understanding of what actually constitutes (i.e. makes a person) a Christian also expose totally that they too have no clue what a covenant is about (not that they do not know the semantic of the term but that they out of deliberated stupidity totally submerged it into the cesspool of the ethereal, of things unreal not having an actual reality expression or value but is of some mythical emotional divinely “spiritually” spirited away platitudes and mumbo jumbos; of a being in a hormones (i.e. some psychedelic chemicals) induced state of mind.

This is exposed in everyall without exception (other than this author of course, otherwise what the heck are you reading here) totally having no clue why The ALMIGHTY would make covenants with mankind. That was until this work very definitively without any mythical ‘mumbo jumbos’ added in, discussed why The ALMIGHTY CREATOR who absolutely owns all of creation would need to make covenants with HIS personal property, mankind. Anyone who haven't read it yet, can read the discussion series (or multiparts discussion) on covenants, what they are and why GOD would need to make covenants with HIS created creatures ,in a multi installments series beginning with the post ‘The New Covenant.

Whereas all those who proclaimed that Christian are under the New Covenant (for whatever reasons and agenda they are advancing), especially all those who are the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of the Christmas religion but also including among the Elect of the last two eras or periods of the Church of GOD, (because there are plenty of evidence as they had published a ton of words) took to the literal word ‘covenant’ and in deliberated stupidity redefined and lavishly garnished it with mambo jumbos (i.e. ethereal paranormal or supernatural hogwash that do not mean anything real) so that none of them could understand that is about an agreement between parties (which in this case, between GOD and JESUS with those who agreed in repentance and believing faith to enter into the Everlasting New Covenant to accept The FATHER as their GOD and JESUS CHRIST as their LORD and KING) to it.

This is exposed absolutely without a shadow of doubt when they similarly went into mambo jumbo to try and define what constituted or made a person a true (as opposed to being an impersonator, identity thief, imposter, charlatan and fraudster) Christian when the very plain, simple, clear truth recorded in the Holy Christian Scriptures is Christian are those who have on repentance followed by baptism agreed to enter (a legal binding agreement on all parties in it) the New Covenant and to honor, perform and obey all of its terms, tenures and tenets (i.e.  all that is entailed detailed in the records of the Scripture of Truth).

Most of those who think of themselves as Christians hold the verse John 3:16 either explicitly or implicitly (because it is either, one of the verses or the only actual verse, of the Scriptures which they know, having memorized it), as the most important verse of the Christian Bible. But that verse is not the most important verse of the Christian Holy Scripture, not even among the top five most important verses.

And if you (the reader whether you are a regular reader andor a follower of this work) have not also embraced deliberated stupidity as your main, or worst, your total expression of life, you would clearly, plainly and without a shadow of uncertainty understand why it (John 3:16) is not.

But for the moment (because it would take quite a lot of discussion to prove clearly and conclusively) as to why it is not, I shan't go into the reasons why. But let me start this discussion or rather disclosure series with this very simple statement.

You can obey without believing but you can't believe without obeying. 

Let us see if anyone understand the (preceding) statement above, which is just as an fyi, I hope to be able to discussed it some later time (for the sake of those who don't get it).

And here are something more (just two questions, for the moment) for those who hold and believe that they absolutely know the Scriptures andor the GOD of the Scriptures, for them to test themselves on how much in command of truth and knowledge they actually are, whether they actually understand what they think they know, or if they even know what they think (and hold themselves that) they know.

Question one: What is the most important thing to know and understand about evil or wickedness in the creation (please see the definition of this term in the Glossary of Terms or just click on the embedded link.

Question two: What is the most important thing to know and understand about the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1 – 17; Deuteronomy 5:6 – 17), which is also called (by and in, this work) the commandments, of and to, love (Mark 12:30 – 31; John 14:15, 21; 15:10, 12; 1 Timothy 1:5; 1 John 4:21, 5:2; 2 John 1:6

The Greatest Commandments

Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’
Matthew 22:27 – 39

Most serious student of the Christian Bible of today from around a hundred to two hundred or so years ago (and never mind all those before that) would (or should anyway) know that JESUS said that the two greatest commandments are first to love GOD without reservation, without holding anything back, and second to love (our) neighbor (all neighbors whether close by or far away, all that our expressions and actions can affect) exactly as much as we love ourselves.

This meaning we will intend for neighbor and act towards neighbor exactly as we will with ourselves. This is in the context of what is needed, wanted and desired for ourselves and what they would need, want and desired for themselves. Further in this love for neighbor there is the requirement that we be sane (as opposed to be insane to varying degrees) and sufficiently intelligent (i.e. acting sanely and intelligently). It is not acting out of lust seeded, fueled and driven insanity, from significantly to totally.

Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
Genesis 6:6 ⁣

And the Lord smelled a soothing aroma. Then the Lord said in His heart, “I will never again curse the ground for man’s sake, although the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth; nor will I again destroy every living thing as I have done.
Genesis 8:21 ⁣

So He said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God. But if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments.”
Matthew 19:17 (similarly Mark 10:8; Luke 18:19)

The Lord looks down from heaven upon the children of men,
To see if there are any who understand, who seek God.
They have all turned aside,
They have together become corrupt;
There is none who does good,
No, not one.
Psalm 14:2 – 3 (similarly Psalm 53:2 – 3)

Here is where the problem lie. The Scriptures also had everyone without exception (GOD and JESUS not included of course, just a note for the rules-based hairsplitters) as essentially (just not all or always all the time totally) evil. What this means is no one actually obey and perform these two greatest commandment fully, completely and totally, if at all. If they did/do they would not be evil but the Scriptures had all as evil with no exceptions.

No doubt for the truly GOD fearing, there will be times, usually and often too, when they do but just not all the time which is why the Scriptures had that there is no one good but all have turned aside from time to time, some more than others while most to nearly all others in total wanton abandonment.

But even with those who truly and actually (and never mind sincerely) believe in GOD, deceitfulness of lust still have a hold on them from sufficiently to significantly. In this we have the iconic example, David a man after GOD's own heart who caved to lust in a major ways not once, not twice but three times, though it was actually four times of which the Scriptures explicitly recorded. There too were other times just not explicitly recorded.

The heart is deceitful above all things,
And desperately wicked;
Who can know it?
Jeremiah 17:9 ⁣

So technically the most faithful (not most righteous) GOD fearing man of GOD who ever lived, failed to totally and fully obey the two greatest commandment. If anyone think, believe and hold that they did andor have done better than David the King, let them take their boost and exaltations to GOD.

And here is the reason no one is good meaning no one has ever completely, totally and absolutely obeyed the two greatest commandments without lapsing and failing (i.e. sinning in breaking either one or both of these greatest commandments).

(updating, editing in progress)

The Most Important Verse Then

Here then (right below this paragraph, is the verse which I have also previously mentioned elsewhere in this work) is the most important verse (from the context of a concise summary, which many other passages and verses expand on and from, not included here) of the Scripture of Truth from the context of a starting basis or beginning point to begin our relationship with the ALMIGHTY CREATOR who created us and all things. This is the very first passage that all those seeking a relationship with the GOD of this Scriptures must first totally believe in to live by, and no bull shitting (i.e. no deliberately pretend stupidity and feint belief) allowed (Acts 5:1 – 10). I will (for the moment) leave it to the readers to figure out (if they haven't yet) why it is the most important verse.

Of course no Scripture verse or passage stands on its own but all of the Scriptures must be read together (not literally but contextually) for us to understand the full, whole or complete communication of GOD to us. Therefore are the main Scriptures (i.e. verses, passages and chapters) such as this verse quoted below. But there are some to many other verses and passages that are relevant to it, from supportive through complementary to supplementary. This we will bring up to discuss when this verse will be more completely discussed (sometime when this author is able to do so) on why it is the most important verse.

But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
Hebrews 11:6 ⁣

I have previously written that mankind can never ever totally agree on anything so very naturally (as the conclusively without a shadow of doubt established norm in human behavior) I do not expect anyone whether they be the very first time reader through whatever mechanism, through to all those who have been very closely following this work reading most to near all the posts in all the blogs of this work, to agree with any of the passages and verses that will be disclosed and nominally discussed (but I am always opened to being pleasantly surprised) in this disclosure series.

Anyone who choose to disagree for whatever reasons, let them take cognizant of themselves on just how well they actually know the Scriptures considering that for centuries until this work, the Scriptures have been recklessly and often also very perversely twisted to say totally ridiculous lust seeded and fueled, massively and totally stupid moronic proclamations, declarations, pronouncements, assertions and decrees, with not or without a single soul (regardless Saints or sinners, especially from after Scriptures were recorded or compiled) from the very beginning of the Scriptures until this work, even remotely the wiser (i.e. all were just totally cluelessly clueless to all the massively stupid, utterly ridiculousness proclaimed and taught as the Truth of GOD).

But now (in and since this work) many to most, of those insidiously evil blasphemous twisting and perversion of the Holy Sacred Word and Truth from GOD have been clearly, plainly, simply and in explicative clarity exposed by this work.

When my functional abilities to do work especially this work improves, which it, beginning from mid 2017 C.E. have (again) plummet to less than 5% (comparatively to the pre 2011 C.E. period of 100% as of a normal sufficiently healthy and fit person with no apparent health issues), whenever it should every now and then become more conducive I will endeavor in bits and parts to discuss this verse (and also the other passages and verses listed in the subsequent posts of this series) in more details as to why these are the top most important passages and verses of the Christian Holy Scriptures. This is from the context of all that is recorded as a totally or a complete full message, communicated by our MAKER to us the creature personages to teach us how to have a proper respectfully and love based relationship with HIM and with each other.

To Be Trust Worthy We First Have To Completely Trust

A person who does not trust cannot be trusted. If someone cannot trust anyone, they are essentially suspicious of everyall others. And when someone is suspicious they are essentially and continuously harboring not goodwill but ill will (from suspicion and distrust) all the time at every interaction they have will others.

The was what the Adam and Eve with a strange talking serpent and a Tree of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden totally, completely and absolutely proved.


 Updating 2021 06 29

Related Reads:

Supportive Reads:
Believe In GOD Believe GOD

Other Relevant Reads:

Next :  The Second Most Important Verse
Previous:  Intro And Home Page

Comments and questions on issues of doctrines, truths and facts raised here can be directed to this author through the contact form on the right side bar of this author's main blog. Only sincere non malicious comments and questions seeking clarification and understanding will be entertained.

1. Words in italic referenced Scripture books, chapters, passages and verses; titles; or proper names where these apply, otherwise these are special highlighting notes to selected people who are familiar with them.
2.  All references to GOD (in caps or uppercase) in this site including all terms which refer to the CREATOR GOD whose original inspired Words are the basis of the Christian Bible, unless otherwise denoted.
3. All references to Scriptures are to the Holy Christian Scriptures unless otherwise denoted.
4. The various posts and discussions published here and all the rest of this work are by no means exhaustive of the doctrines, prophesies, subjects and answers to questions on the Christian Holy Scriptures.
5. Scriptures quoted are from New King James Version unless otherwise indicated.
6. The word or term 'man' is used throughout as a reference to man specifically as well as to all mankind (male and female) according to the context in the same way as the Scriptures used the term.
7. Items marked in red (color) and also other colors are either special notes andor are meant to called particular attention of the reader to those marked as such.
8. For the complete listing of titles and discussions by this author on the Christian faith and worship (or religion) please refer to the Start or Home page of 'The Holy Bible Expounded'. Also listed in that post page are the latest published posts of all the Christian topic blogs of this author.
9. This blog is part of a larger work by this author published in several blogs published on Blogger and WordPress.

© Quah 2019 – 2021. All rights reserved.

First time reader of this work are strongly advised to first read the Contents Warning post and the Special Note entry in the main blog before deciding  to continue reading  and of the posts and discussions of this work. This is as a cautionary should anyone become incensed into going on murderous rampages just because they lusted uncontrollably to, and it is not because this author is seeking to caution anyone from lusting to rage uncontrollably.
All published information on this topic is targeted at the true disciples of the faith, the Elect, not the false professed believers. Those of other religious beliefs who are easily offended by simple. clear and obvious evident truth are advised not to read any of the discussions and posts of this work.
All views, statements and discussions are the personal religious belief and conviction of this author and directed at persons of same faith, religious belief and conviction.
Nonetheless any truly sincere seeker of the CREATOR of all things should be able to related to and understand the discussion, if seeking said CREATOR in truth and humility, seeking with an open mind to understand and to learn.
All those who are not interested in, or not seeking to know the truth about GOD and our existence should not read materials and articles by this author in his books or blogs as the simple, clear and obvious truth will most probably offend their sensitivity and infuriate them.
The author is neither responsible for nor does he approve or endorse any advertisement for subscriptions, products or services advertised in this blog space.
Please note that all discussions by this author are based on a general non expert assessment of information gathered from material published in the public domain (i,e, readily available to members of the general public). All of this author's discussions are presented as material for any and all persons with no special expertise. Anyone twelve years of age and older, who is not mentally incapacitated in some ways, would (or should anyway) be able to understand any and all the discussions of this author. You do not need to be an expert or a genius to understand the simple and straight forward truths discussed by this author.

(Major) Update History
2019 04 22
First Posted: 2019 04 22